Happy New Year 2015 & a new resolution

Happy New Year 2015
New Year’s Eve house party – every year we take a group photo to share after midnight. This year we used my new phone mount, tripod and Bluetooth shutter remote – thanks sis!

Conversations round the dining table at last night’s New Year’s Eve party focused on goals, schemes and holiday plans for 2015. I’ve got a whole host of hopes and resolutions for this year, including still having a job after the May elections!

However, for a more personal resolution, I’m going to challenge myself to read more (from books) rather than wasting my time on the internet.

I used to be a total bookworm before I got my first smart phone and got out of the habit. Let’s just say that Pinterest and Instagram have a lot to answer for. So I’ve built up quite a backlog of books I want to read or books I’ve started and not finished. Plus I’ve just received some fantastic new titles for Christmas (Sophia Loren’s autobiography; “In Defence of Food” by Michael Pollan and “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell – thanks Mum!)

My experience with my 2014 resolution (to buy fewer takeaway coffees) proved that putting the resolution up here and keeping a daily record keeps me reminded and motivated.

For my coffee resolution, I kept a log in the front pages of my work diary – you can see it in the background of the photo on my results post – as it was a work-day-related resolution. For this resolution, I’ve bought a goal tracking calendar from superstar blogger Elise Blaha Cripe*, which I’m going to keep handy – probably on the fridge!

Goal tracking calendar by Elise Blaha Cripe

I’m happy to say that I can already tick the first box!

Happy New Year and I hope 2015 brings you everything you hope for.

*I’ve been reading enJOY it for years and it was the first place I ever saw Project Life – Elise is directly responsible for making me start printing photos.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2015 & a new resolution

  1. Alex - Project Lady January 2, 2015 / 11:10 am

    Hello 🙂

    My last post about why resolutions do not work might be interesting for you…


    You can also find my progress to get out my shitty life 🙂


    You may think about starting your own project


    Or, it would be so much appreciated if you support mine by following, commenting and giving advice 🙂


    Thank you so much 🙂
    Successful & Healthy New Year 🙂



  2. Jenny January 15, 2015 / 1:53 pm

    Hi Alex, thanks for the comment and I’ve had a good look round your blog, which is very interesting (I’ll come and say hi over there too). I think that my plan to read more would not count as a “resolution” by your definition, so I’m in the clear. Phew!
    Jenny x


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